India’s Tribal (Adivasi) “carnivals”: Tribal communities on display
What does a “tribal carnival” entail? Find out with the help of a PhD thesis made available by Shodhganga or by using the search window below: GUJARAT TOURISM: REVIEW, GROWTH …
Tribal Cultural Heritage in India
Showcasing new initiatives in education
For in-depth information on a specific community, select the “Sitemap – Names of tribal communities” in the “Search” menu.
What does a “tribal carnival” entail? Find out with the help of a PhD thesis made available by Shodhganga or by using the search window below: GUJARAT TOURISM: REVIEW, GROWTH …
Source: Sacred Record by Suanshu Khurana, Indian Express, New Delhi, April 26, 2015Address: Visited: 19 February 2021 Documenting the rich and distinct traditions of the Santal tribe, an ongoing …
Chadar Bad(o)ni is a form of traditional Santal puppetry, practised by just a few members of the community. Performance by Sahadev Kisku and his group. Chadar Badni often referred to …
Banam Raja from adivaani on Vimeo. Banams are the lutes and the fiddles of the Santal people. They are made from locally available material–wood, vegetables and animal hide. The most …
<br>In Goa, India, tribal women celebrate a religious festival with dancing and games. In his video today, Devidas shows us the sparkle that fun, games and dancing bring to the …
The first report on minority rights, made public in late August 1947, provided for reservation for Untouchables only. Muslims were denied the right, which in the circumstances was to be …
To listen to the recordings, search for “Manasamangal” and click the play button beneath “Listen to a song from this session” on the Travelling Archive website >> Also visit the Travelling Archive website …
In the end, it comes down to values […] We want the world our children inherit to be defined by the values enshrined in the UN Charter: peace, justice, respect, …