Audio & video | Alternatives offered by India’s grassroot movements: Regenerating ecosystems with insights from modernity

“The world is a living tapestry … As the weave of life is torn apart in one place, the threads unravel in another,” says author and physics professor Vandana Singh, …

State wise population of Scheduled Tribes (ST) and their percentage to the total population in the respective states and to the total STs population

Source: State/UT wise population of STs and their percentage to the total population in the respective states/UTs and to the total STs population in the Country,  as per Census 2001 …

A constitution which guarantees: “The State shall not discriminate against any citizen” – The Sovereign Republic of India

Did the Constitution of India borrow ideas and many of its stand out features from the constitutions of other countries? Yes, after intense scrutiny, it turns out that our founding …

Tip | How many ‘Scheduled Tribes’ are there in India? And what distinguishes them from other communities? (‘tribal’ or otherwise) – Information provided by the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes

Source: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | National Commission for Scheduled TribesAddress: Date Visited: 15 September 2021 Ex­er­cise on since its launch in Fe­bru­ary [2022] to in­clude 1,400 com­mu­ni­ties un­der SC, …

The term ‘Adivasi’: Neither an equivalent to ‘Tribe’ nor used in the Indian Constitution – Mainstream Weekly

Source: Adivasi: A Contentious Term to denote Tribes as Indigenous Peoples of India – Mainstream WeeklyAddress : Visited: Fri Dec 07 2012 21:18:29 GMT+0100 (CET)

eBook | Search a reservoir of Indian theses: Shodhganga, “a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses – Open access

e.g. search for “Shodhganga scheduled tribe”, “Shodhganga tribal language”, “Shodhganga Adivasi”, “Shodhganga Andaman”, “Shodhganga Santal”, “Shodhganga tribal education”, “Shodhganga forest rights”, “Shodhganga Nilgiri tribe”, “Shodhganga vulnerable tribal group” in the …

Reviving tribal culture and creating economic self-reliance through grain banks: 1,200 communities form “green economic zones” and encourage education under the guidance of Bhasha Trust – Gujarat

[…] A unique idea that has taken root over the last two years among the tribespeople here—the Rathwas, Dungras, Chaudharis, Bhils and Nayaks, across 1,200 villages in the Narmada, Baroda, …

Ethnomedicine: Discoveries through follow-up research of folk or ethnomedical amounting to 74 per currently in use worldwide – Jharkhand & Kerala

How Adivasis of one Jharkhand village are trying to preserve ethnomedicine With ‘civilisation’ and ‘modernity’ having made inroads into India’s tribal areas, its heritage of traditional tribal systems of medicine …