Ethnomedicine: Discoveries through follow-up research of folk or ethnomedical amounting to 74 per currently in use worldwide – Jharkhand & Kerala

How Adivasis of one Jharkhand village are trying to preserve ethnomedicine With ‘civilisation’ and ‘modernity’ having made inroads into India’s tribal areas, its heritage of traditional tribal systems of medicine …

ePaper | Tribes need to be prioritised according to the UNICEF Working Paper Series Children of India: “The Status of Tribal Children in India: A historical perspective”

Excerpts from the IHD – UNICEF Working Paper Series, Children of India: Rights and Opportunities (2011)By Virginius Xaxa, Professor of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University | Read the full report (PDF) >> …

ePaper | Focus on exemplary practices found in tribal societies: Caring for the child and nurturing the young – United Nations Children’s Fund (India)

[N]ew pedagogic practices require to be evolved in order to execute various developmental programmes. In doing so, good practices that exist in the society may turn out to be very …

Women in India: A reality check

Source: “Women in India: A reality check”, Frontline Magazine (Cover), 25 January 2013Address: Visited: 24 October 2015 Women across the country have taken to the streets demanding safety from …

Tip | How many ‘Scheduled Tribes’ are there in India? And what distinguishes them from other communities? (‘tribal’ or otherwise) – Information provided by the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes

Source: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | National Commission for Scheduled TribesAddress: Date Visited: 15 September 2021 Ex­er­cise on since its launch in Fe­bru­ary [2022] to in­clude 1,400 com­mu­ni­ties un­der SC, …