Dealing with challenges for Adivasis in states having widely different human development indicators – Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha & West Bengal

The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed how rooted structural imbalances are between rural and urban, male and female, rich and poor, even in the digital world. | Read the full report …

State wise population of Scheduled Tribes (ST) and their percentage to the total population in the respective states and to the total STs population

Source: State/UT wise population of STs and their percentage to the total population in the respective states/UTs and to the total STs population in the Country,  as per Census 2001 …

Learn more about tribal communities in Kerala

The Indian state of Kerala has a high literacy rate and human development index compared to other states in India. But this has not extended to the tribal population of …

A constitution which guarantees: “The State shall not discriminate against any citizen” – The Sovereign Republic of India

Did the Constitution of India borrow ideas and many of its stand out features from the constitutions of other countries? Yes, after intense scrutiny, it turns out that our founding …

Tip | How many ‘Scheduled Tribes’ are there in India? And what distinguishes them from other communities? (‘tribal’ or otherwise) – Information provided by the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes

Source: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | National Commission for Scheduled TribesAddress: Date Visited: 15 September 2021 Ex­er­cise on since its launch in Fe­bru­ary [2022] to in­clude 1,400 com­mu­ni­ties un­der SC, …

The term ‘Adivasi’: Neither an equivalent to ‘Tribe’ nor used in the Indian Constitution – Mainstream Weekly

Source: Adivasi: A Contentious Term to denote Tribes as Indigenous Peoples of India – Mainstream WeeklyAddress : Visited: Fri Dec 07 2012 21:18:29 GMT+0100 (CET)

Learn more about tribal communities in Jharkhand

The relevance of Gandhi’s legacy for solving modern India’s socio-economic problems: Addressing the needs of peasants, labourers, students and tribals

IS there such a thing as Gandhi’s legacy?For fifty years we have enshrined him. We must now enfranchise him Gopalkrishna Gandhi [1997] IS there such a thing as Gandhi’s …