“We are nothing without the forest, and the forest is nothing without us”: Kattunayakans in the Nilgiris, one of the last few remaining honey gathering communities of the world – Tamil Nadu

Living in the Nilgiris, the Kattunayakans are one of the last few remaining honey gathering communities of the world. Over many generations they have mastered the skills required to tap …

“Democracy and caste system can’t go hand in hand”: Paying attention to the enforcement of India’s 1989 act to prevent the commission of offences of atrocities against members of SCs and STs (Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes)

Hardly anyone seems to have paid attention to India’s dismal showing at the UN Human Rights Council’s universal periodical review when the latter alleged that India is “all words, no …

Turning sacred groves into oases of biodiversity through community participation: The People’s biodiversity register (PBR) – Goa

Rajendra P Kerkar, Times of India, Dec 1, 2016 KERI: The village panchayat of Bhironda in Sattari taluka has become the state’s first local self-governing body to have completed work on …

Putting an end to exploitation: The Halpati women who don’t want financial help from anybody – Gujarat

Of Spice & Spirit: 24-YO Quits Cushy Job to Double Income of Gujarat Tribe! Jovita Aranha, The Better India, 3 July 2018 Turn the pages of history, and it will …

The Right to Information Act (RTI): Legislation that empowers citizens to prevent illegitimate concentrations of power

The basic object of the Right to Information Act is to empower the citizens, promote transparency and accountability in the working of the Government, contain corruption, and make our democracy …

ePaper | Tribes in Transition-III: “Preserving Tribal Memory through New Forms of Orality in the Digital Era”

Related posts: Sunder Manoj Hembrom | Video “Eyes came across”: The story behind the Santali song Be̠ṅge̠t́ Ńapam >> Courtesy Dr. Ivy Hansdak, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jamia Millia …

ePaper | Writing and teaching Santali in different alphabets: A success story calling for a stronger sense of self-confidence – West Bengal

Santali is one of India’s many Adivasi languages. Today, seven different alphabets are used to write in it. Some argue that this great variety does not help the community’s development. …