”No one wants the forest to disappear”: Dr. Felix Padel on peace, justice, the Forest Rights Act and music

How could peace be brought, with justice? Is there even a movement for peace? How does this war compare with other wars in India, and worldwide? Few have targeted civilian …

“Woodsmoke and Leafcups”: A book that opens up the full joy of tribal life without romanticisation – Bastar

The natural wealth with which much of tribal India is endowed is also its bane. The erstwhile Bastar district, one of the largest in the country, was first divided into …

Tip | Tribal collections in India’s ethnographic & community museums

Museums have through the years been seen as institutions involved in the research, conservation and dissemination of information. India has eighteen Tribal Research and Training Institutes which run fourteen Ethnographic …

Tip | Enjoy a virtual journey across India: Interactive map

Traverse over 5000 km of India with the help of the present map “There’s been an exponential increase in tourism in India over the last several decades, fueled by the …

Gond artists Jangarh Singh Shyam & Roshni Vyam: “Universal appeal and technical prowess” – Madhya Pradesh

A masterly tribute to a cult Gond artist Openthemagazine.com, Books, 09 March 2018 | Read the full review by Preema John >> Jangarh Singh Shyam: The Enchanted Forest Paintings and Drawings …

Video & online exhibition | A place “to celebrate the simultaneous validity of various valuable cultural patterns evolved over thousands of years”: National Museum of Mankind (Bhopal) – Madhya Pradesh

Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav SangrahalayaNational Museum of Mankind, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh The Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya is spearheading an interactive Museum Movement in India, to celebrate the simultaneous validity …

Tip | Appreciating India’s tribal cultural heritage: Regions rich in archaeologic discoveries (from Mohenjo Daro and the Indus Valley civilization to the present day)

Archaeological evidence The existence of a unique, preAryan populace with a distinct cultural heritage and evolved literary traits has been fortified by archaeological evidence collected from the discovery of Harappa …

Tips | Find publishing details for Shodhganga search results

Shodhganga: a reservoir of Indian theses – https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in About Shodhganga A reservoir of Indian ThesesThe Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available …