Gond artists Jangarh Singh Shyam & Roshni Vyam: “Universal appeal and technical prowess” – Madhya Pradesh

A masterly tribute to a cult Gond artist Openthemagazine.com, Books, 09 March 2018 | Read the full review by Preema John >> Jangarh Singh Shyam: The Enchanted Forest Paintings and Drawings …

Finding one’s life partner as member of the Raj Gond or Kolam community: The Dandari-Ghusadi dance festival ending on Diwali – Telangana

The Dandari-Ghusadi dance festival, which ends on Diwali, is an opportunity for the eligible bachelors to find their life partners and some 100 marriages are finalised in this manner in …

Priceless tribal knowledge systems “should become part of the syllabus” – Telangana

S. Harpal Singh, The Hindu, ADILABAD: April 06, 2015  | To read the full article, click here >> The tribal knowledge systems, shared by the Gond, Pardhan, Kolam and Thotti Adivasis …

Benefits of community screenings: Award-winning documentary “Have you seen the Arana” – Kerala

Report on community screenings (2013-14) A trial series of community screenings coordinated by FERNS took place in collaboration with initiatives that meet the following criteria: Results and benefits The community …

“Rethinking tribals”: Articles on Adivasi culture in Folio Special issue

Ever since the Portuguese travel writers and missionaries decided to describe the vast variety of ethnic and occupational groups and sects of the Indian subcontinent in terms of “caste” and …

The main festival celebrated of the Santal community (December-January): Sorhae “thanksgiving” – West Bengal, Jharkhand, Assam, Nepal, and Bangladesh

Singing and Dancing, a Festivity of Unity By Boro Baski | Translated by Joel Tudu Sorhae is the biggest festival of the Santals. The Santals of Malda, Murshidabad, Dinajpur, Birbhum, Bardhaman …

Bhil communities’ success story: Reviving the custom known as “halma” to conserve water – Madhya Pradesh

Ritesh Mishra, Hindustan Times, Indore, 13-3-16 Halma has united tribes people to conserve environment and water Until now, tribes people have planted more than 11,000 trees in 110 villages, repaired more than …

Appropriate education for Adivasi children: The Vidyodaya School model at Gudalur – Tamil Nadu

How the education work began – an introduction Kadichankolli, 1991 – The first ‘school’ begins in this village. The teacher, Raji, is from the village. The medium of instruction is …