“Archery is the traditional game of Chhattisgarh”: Youngsters who excel – Jharkhand & Chhattisgarh

Tribal village Siwatarai emerges as archery hub | Read the full article here >> RAIPUR: In the midst of forests, a tiny village in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh has emerged as a …

Gondi language school initiative: Discovery of ‘Koyaboli’ or Gondi (dialect) script recently in Adilabad district – Andhra Pradesh

A chance discovery of ‘Koyaboli’ or Gondi (dialect) script recently in Adilabad district has opened new vistas in the educational and cultural development of the major primitive Gond tribe in …

An indigenous film industry for large indigenous populations: ‘Jhollywood’ tells the stories of modern Adivasis – Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam & Manipur

Jhollywood is calling Forget the faux tribals grunting in Raavan. Jharkhand has its own film industry, made by Adivasi filmmakers for Adivasi viewers, says G VISHNUIS BEERA Formula for a …

Anthropological Museum in Mysore – Karnataka

Anthropological MuseumManav Bhawan, BogadiMysore, Karnataka Anthropological Survey of Indiawww.ansi.gov.in The Anthropological Museum is a treasure trove of objects and weapons used by the South Indian communities, primarily the tribal communities, …

International framework through ILO and U.N. Conventions recognises rights of indigenous and tribal communities to ownership, control and management of land and resources

Tribal and indigenous communities across the world have been asserting their rights to the mineral wealth often found under the land they own or possess or have traditional rights to. …

Fostering respect of linguistic diversity and linguistic heritage – Linguapax Asia

Linguapax Asia works in partnership with Linguapax International, a non-governmental organization formerly affiliated with UNESCO and located in Barcelona, Spain. In its role as the Asian associate, Linguapax Asia carries …

The Koli (Kori, Kol), aboriginal communities found “from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari”: Representations from ancient epics to freedom struggle and modern India

[…] It is interesting to note that Koris trace their history to the past where all present day downtrodden reach. This again bursts the myth that there was an amicable …

eJournal | “Environmental groups and movements have been at the forefront of efforts to democratize state institutions”

[…] In India, as elsewhere, colonialism is “first, foremost and always” about land. As in North America and Africa, the policing of reserve forests has often resulted in what amounts …