Tip | Find new and old publications on Indian tribal culture on worldcat.org

Several indigenous authors—Easterine Kire, Jacinta Kerketta, Dolly Kikon, Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, Temsüla Ao, Joy Pachuau, Senganglu Thaimei, Gladson Dungdung, Veio Pou, Kham Khan Suan Hausing, Ngamjahao Kipgen, Hoineilhing Sitlhou and …

Women in India: A reality check

Source: “Women in India: A reality check”, Frontline Magazine (Cover), 25 January 2013Address: http://www.frontline.in/cover-story/women-in-india-a-reality-check/article4275963.eceDate Visited: 24 October 2015 Women across the country have taken to the streets demanding safety from …

A treasure preserved for posterity in Bhadrachalam: A mini museum, library serving the cause of Integrated Tribal Development – Telangana

The Regional Centre of Tribal Cultural Research and Training Institute (TCR&TI) has laid renewed focus on preserving and popularising the rich collection of objects and artefacts of tribal communities at …

Tip | Tribal collections in India’s ethnographic & community museums

Museums have through the years been seen as institutions involved in the research, conservation and dissemination of information. India has eighteen Tribal Research and Training Institutes which run fourteen Ethnographic …

Tip | Santal Music: A Study in Pattern and Process of Cultural Persistence – A detailed study by Onkar Prasad

The present in-depth study by Dr. Onkar Prasad of Santal Music in the context of socio-cultural life of Santals is the outcome of extensive field work. […] It highlights Santals’ …

The Nehru Centenary Tribal Museum in Hyderabad – Andhra Pradesh

The museum brings together culture, lifestyle, customs and beliefs of the various tribes hailing from different districts of Andhra Pradesh. Some of the tribes represented here are Kondareddi, Bagata and …

Architectural marvels from different communities: Tribal Habitat, “a laboratory for various practical experiences” (National Museum of Mankind, IGRMS Bhopal) – Madhya Pradesh

This exhibitions includes the unique dwelling types of architectural marvels from different tribal communities from the Gangetic plains of Uttaranchal, lush green forest areas of North-east India, the arid region …

Video | The Birhor tribe: A hunting and food gathering tribe of central India – Bihar

The video contains a documentation of Birhor Tribe of Bihar. The Birhor Community, hunting and food gathering tribe of Bihar, Central India. Living in leaf huts called kumbhas, the Birhor …