Rebels in the Amsterdam ‘Artis Library’ – Netherlands

By Mieke Beumer In 2002 the Indian government issued a stamp commemorating Sido Murmu and Kanhu Murmu for their bravery. The brothers had led an insurrection on June 30 1855, …

eJournal | Tribes in Transition-III: “Digitizing Adivasidom: Prejudices and Performances”

Courtesy Dr. Ivy Hansdak, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi (email 21 October 2021)

An indigenous film industry for large indigenous populations: ‘Jhollywood’ tells the stories of modern Adivasis – Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam & Manipur

Jhollywood is calling Forget the faux tribals grunting in Raavan. Jharkhand has its own film industry, made by Adivasi filmmakers for Adivasi viewers, says G VISHNUIS BEERA Formula for a …

International framework through ILO and U.N. Conventions recognises rights of indigenous and tribal communities to ownership, control and management of land and resources

Tribal and indigenous communities across the world have been asserting their rights to the mineral wealth often found under the land they own or possess or have traditional rights to. …

eLearning | “Cadence and Counterpoint: Documenting Santal Musical Traditions” – A virtual exhibition on Google Cultural Institute

Source: courtesy Dr. Ruchira Ghose (Co-Curator, New Delhi, 21 January 2016); for photo and detailed credits, please check the multimedia production available at Google Arts and Culture here >> [Bold typeface added above …

eBook | A Santali-English dictionary – Internet Archive

To learn more about specific items and their usage, type words like “music”, “celebration”, “dance” etc. in search inside. A Santali-English dictionaryby Campbell, A., of the Santal mission Publication date 1899 Topics Santali …

The dance went on: Adivasi self-assertion and networking during tribal cultural festival in Ranchi – Jharkhand

Watching tribal dancing live and up close is a hugely different experience from watching it on telly. For the 40-strong Gudalur adivasi group, recently invited by the Central University of …