eBook | Online resource: “Tribes of India: The Struggle for Survival” by Christoph Fürer-Haimendorf

This book tells of observations among Indian tribal populations spanning the period from 1940 to 1980. Ever since 1936, when a study of the Konyak Nagas marked the beginning of my …

Video | Rathwa ni Gher: Tribal dance as “creative expression of cultural identity and understanding of the nature” – Gujarat

The Rathwas, who dwell in Rath-Vistar, the hilly area of the southeastern part of Gujarat state, perform the Rathwa ni Gher dance on the occasion of Holi (festival of colours) …

Planting char, mahuli, and bamboo to regenerate forests: Conservation efforts by the Baiga tribal community – Madhya Pradesh

3. The Baiga have restored over 600 acres of forest around just one village In the village of Dhaba in central India, Baiga tribal villagers became concerned that the local …

eBook | “Santals Celebrate the Seasons: Six Murals by Sanyasi Lohar and his team” – West Bengal

The Santal village Bishnubati is situated about 8 km from Santiniketan and Sriniketan, the abodes which Rabindranath Tagore made famous. Since almost 30 years Bishnubati and its neighbouring Santal village …

Sustainable use of biodiversity and associated traditional knowledge: Securing economic benefits for tribal communities – Kerala & Tamil Nadu

The book explores the possibility of sustainable use of biodiversity and associated traditional knowledge with economic benefit for the communities and countries that have conserved them for generations. By S. …

Adivasis’ world view: A truly sustainable lifestyle – Comment

Adivasi people: proud not primitive | Read the full article >> […] Defining what’s special about India’s adivasi or indigenous people is complicated. People, mostly anthropologists and human rights defenders, who …

The Banjara community: Its role in Indian history – Telangana

Banjara and Dokra: Tribal craftmanship in a state that exemplifies “India’s composite culture, pluralism and inclusiveness – Telangana Located on the uplands of Deccan plateau, Telangana is the link between …