Bhasha Van (“forest of languages”) – the importance of the mother tongue in education

The forest of languages and hopeAntara Dev Sen | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 I have just planted a sapling with nice long leaves. […]. As they all grow up, they …

eJournal | Tribes in Transition-III: “Digitizing Adivasidom: Prejudices and Performances”

Courtesy Dr. Ivy Hansdak, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi (email 21 October 2021)

The Koli (Kori, Kol), aboriginal communities found “from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari”: Representations from ancient epics to freedom struggle and modern India

[…] It is interesting to note that Koris trace their history to the past where all present day downtrodden reach. This again bursts the myth that there was an amicable …

Participation of tribal children in music CD production and dance programme: Aseema Trust and Vidya Vanam School at Anaikkati – Tamil Nadu

Enjoyable listening and a special gift for lovers of Indian music: CD “Kelir Kelir” produced by Aseema Trust and Rukminidevi Natyakshetra Tastefully arranged, this professionally produced CD is intended for educational …

“Nobody progresses without opposition” – Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti

“Nobody progresses without opposition. New Delhi : 1-9–1946″ – Mahatma Gandhi Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) was formed in September 1984 by the merger of Gandhi Darshan at Rajghat …

Adivasi art “A Disappearing World” – Gandhi Foundation (London)

The exhibition, “A Disappearing World: Ancient Traditions Under Threat in Tribal India” [held at the Brunei Gallery at SOAS from April 13 to June 25, 2011]. Seminars are also being …

“Everyone wants to learn”: School programmes devised by expert members of the Santal community to facilitate development from within – West Bengal

Baski, who holds a doctorate in education and a master’s in social work from Viswa Bharati University, says he is happy being an educator. He has become a strong voice …

Trust India’s “village republics” to bring in some good news from time to time – Kerala, Rajasthan & Tamil Nadu

In an atmosphere where every morning, our newspapers greet us with stories of girls being tormented, raped, killed or treated like a doormat in one way or another, trust India’s …