eBook | “It is possible to finance tribal health care”: Recommendations by the Expert Committee on Tribal Health – Government of India

Though it has long been suspected that tribal people have poor health and unmet needs, health care for tribal people remained subsumed in rural health care. It was assumed that …

Memories of life in a remote Bhil hamlet on the Narmada river: “Poor but not impoverished” – Maharashtra

The Narmada Control Authority (NCA) has been setup under the final orders and decision of the Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal (NWDT) as a machinery for implementation of its directions and …

Video | “Our values, farming, song and dances”: Tribal and indigenous peoples’ education must be rooted in the people’s own land, language and culture – Survival International

Factory Schools: crimes against children from Survival International on Vimeo. Two million tribal and indigenous children are in Factory Schools today. Lives are destroyed and families are torn apart as the children are intentionally …

Convention on Biological Diversity to ‘integrate traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous and local communities relevant for conservation of biodiversity” – Fact checking

The Convention on Biological Diversity, 20 years on, is still struggling to stem the precipitous decline in biodiversity. After missing the 2010 target of reducing biodiversity loss, it is now …

Tip | Ten success stories from all over India: Arts and crafts, community service, democracy, education, fashion, film, health, literature, performing arts and women’s achievements

Tip Find up-to-date reports on the above topics in the Indian press by typing “tribal artists”, “women tribal community”, “Adivasi fashion” or similar search terms into the search window seen below

Shyamali Khastgir: Artist and activist in the footsteps of Gandhi and Tagore “using creativity in a positive way” – West Bengal

Shyamali Khastgir, June 23 1940 – August 15 2011 Shyamali Khastgir, who died on Independence Day 2011 after suffering an earlier stroke, transmitted her passion for life most expressively through …

Benefitting from a tribal community’s symbiotic relationship with nature: The healing system practiced by Irula women – Tamil Nadu

INDIATIMES NEWS NETWORK | Mar 29, 2005 | To read the full article, click here >> The Irulas’ Natural Products Corporation is a partnership firm located in the ITWWS campus, which …