Linguistic diversity and multilingualism – Interviews with Prof. Ganesh Devy

Devy has worked incessantly to establish the linguistic diversity and numeric strength of subaltern cultures in India. In a politically resonant statement during a public lecture last year in Bengaluru, …

Shyamali Khastgir – puppet stories based on tribal values

Moral values in puppet story – Up close at art campM. GANGULY, August 18 , 2009 Ranchi, Aug. 17: She is an art teacher-turned-social activist. She knows eminent activists of India …

Video | On creating ProtoVillages in every district of India so “poverty would have no space to exist”: A Search for Resilience | Kalyan Akkipeddi | TEDxGurugram

TEDx Talks Published on Apr 3, 2017 On a quest to understand the failure of existing mechanisms to measure and address poverty, Kalyan Akkipeddi researched and developed an organic solution …

“The most beautiful dioramas illustrating tribal life”: Bharatiya Adimjati Sevak Sangrahalaya museum inspired by Mahatma Gandhi – New Delhi

“AV Thakkar, a Gandhian nationalist and the one-time head of of the Harijan Sevak Sangh […] advocated for bringing tribes into the Hindu fold.” – Richard Kamei (doctoral candidate at the …

The Oraon community: Its role in the Freedom Movement – Jharkhand

The Role of Adivasis in the Freedom Movement – JharkhandAdivasi uprisings in the Jharkhand belt were quelled by the British through massive deployment of troops across the region. The Kherwar uprising …

In memoriam: Dr. Nicolaas Nobel (Utrecht, 12 May 1933 – Noordwijk, 29 November 2016)

With the passing away of Dr. Nicolaas Nobel (Founder of the Tribal Cultural Heritage in India Foundation), India’s tribal communities have lost a true friend and well-wisher: A Philanthropist With a DifferenceThis is a …