eBook | The “India Exclusion Report”: A collaborative, trans-disciplinary report that examines the outcomes of public policy, law, programmes, budgets, institutions and their functioning for all peoples

India Exclusion Report 2015A comprehensive, annually updated analysis on the exclusion of disadvantaged groups in India ISBN: 978-93-82579-39-7 First Edition: 2016 [PDF 13 MB, 294 pages]Read the full report here >>YODA PRESS268 A/C …

Tribal Politics – adivasi culture, language, and religion in Encyclopedia of India

Tribal Politics The “tribal” peoples or adivasis of India, according to the 2001 census, constitute roughly 8.1 percent of the country’s population, some 83,6 million people, classified under 461 different …

Integration or isolation? A “Down To Earth” discussion on the fate of the Jarawa tribe – Andaman

Contact with the outside world has exposed the Jarawas to various dangers. Is isolation the best way to conserve? A debate Numbering around 400, people of the Jarawa tribe occupy …

“The most beautiful dioramas illustrating tribal life”: Bharatiya Adimjati Sevak Sangrahalaya museum inspired by Mahatma Gandhi – New Delhi

“AV Thakkar, a Gandhian nationalist and the one-time head of of the Harijan Sevak Sangh […] advocated for bringing tribes into the Hindu fold.” – Richard Kamei (doctoral candidate at the …

Living in a symbiotic relationship with other communities: The Shompen, one of India’s particularly vulnerable tribal groups – Nicobar Islands

Shiv Sahay Singh, The Hindu, Kolkata: November 01, 2015 | To read the full article, click here >> The Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI) has come up with the first authentic …

Sharing a theology with ecology as the most important ethical guide for humans: The Asurs, a “Particularly vulnerable tribal group” – Jharkhand

G.N. Devy, The Indian Express, 6 March 2016 | To read the full article, click here >> The term tribal defies any universal definition. Between the Maoris of New Zealand, the Aborigines …

“The sometimes disturbing story of how we are treating our fragile islands” – Andaman & Nicobar

Books on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands by Pankaj Sekhsaria 1) Islands in Flux – the Andaman and Nicobar Story (2017)2) The Last Wave – An Island Novel (2014)3) The Jarawa …