UNICEF study on tribal education conducted by the National Institute of Advanced Studies

Adivasis in India receive the “lowest-cost, poorest-quality and indifferently administered education”, a [2012] study backed by the UNICEF has revealed. Not only are the Adivasis marginalised, even affirmative action/reservation programmes …

“We have a special responsibility to document, monitor and conserve our most precious asset”: Biodiversity for sustaining their livelihoods – Survey of the Environment

India may be the only large country with huge scientific capability to lack a serious programme to monitor the state of its ecosystems. Because the major drivers of habitat loss …

Video | Setu “bridge” on Adivasi poet and publisher Jeetendra Vasava belonging to the Narmada region – Gujarat

The clip is called Setu, meaning bridge and features Jeetendra Vasava, a young writer belonging to the Narmada region in south Gujarat. Jeetendra speaks Dehwali, a tribal language spoken in regions …

What Adivasis themselves have to say: Reflections on life, religion, politics, the past, the present, and the world around them – Tamil Nadu

Reams have been written about adivasis by so-called experts. Much of it is subjective interpretation, an exercise I have always been wary of indulging in. For this issue, therefore, my …

Tribal culture in Jharkhand – Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre

Carved out of Bihar in 2000, many treasures of the relatively new state of Jharkhand situated in the Chota Nagpur Plateau is still less known to most people. Nature wears …

Rebels in the Amsterdam ‘Artis Library’ – Netherlands

By Mieke Beumer In 2002 the Indian government issued a stamp commemorating Sido Murmu and Kanhu Murmu for their bravery. The brothers had led an insurrection on June 30 1855, …

eJournal | Tribes in Transition-III: “Digitizing Adivasidom: Prejudices and Performances”

Courtesy Dr. Ivy Hansdak, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi (email 21 October 2021)