Adivasi rice beer – ceremonial drinking vs bondage caused by strong liquor

Adivasis and alcohol Historically, ‘pioneers’ of ‘civilized’ dominant (‘mainstream’ is politically incorrect) society have used alcohol to enslave and destroy the indigenous communities they invaded. Like exploitative marauders, they credited …

Dealing with challenges for Adivasis in states having widely different human development indicators – Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha & West Bengal

Source: “Indian education can’t go online – only 8% of homes with young members have computer with net link” by Protiva Kundu, (5 May 2020)URL: visited: 23 June …

Reducing the impact of the corona virus in Kanyakumari District: Physicians in favour of indigenous medicine and food habits – Tamil Nadu

Citizens have become aware of the causes just as the impact, curative, quarantine, rehabilitative aspects of the virus and even become COVID literates by wearing masks, sanitizing and keeping social …

Tip | Indigenous innovations, how to help tribal kids reach school on time, creating awareness of women’s health and other success stories – The Better India

Our community health workers and village co-ordinators have been leading from the front in responding to the needs of all the tribals across 320 hamlets, putting their lives at-risk while …

Video | Deepor Beel: A wetland protected by Karbi customs or rituals that give importance to the environment – Assam

Deepor Beel is a wetland situated in Assam inhabited mostly by tribal people along with their distinct folklore and practices. One thousand and two hundred families of 14 indigenous villages …

Learn more about tribal communities in Gujarat