A community whose drumming is associated with Chola, Chera and the Pandya kings – Tamil Nadu

Learn more about this art by typing Thudumbar, Thudumbattam or Thudumbu into the search field seen below! Thudumbu and Thudumbattam are played at temple festivals in and around Coimbatore. We …

Sacred groves foster a sense of togetherness and harmony: Protecting nature in and beyond India’s tribal communities – Kerala & Karnataka

CULTURAL TRADITIONS OF NATURE CONSERVATION IN INDIABy Dr S.M. Nair Living in harmony with Nature has been an integral part of Indian culture. This has been abundantly reflected in a …

The “Dungari mata” sacred grove maintained by Bhil and Bhilala communities: A custom that helps to preserve medicinal plants in the face of environmental degradation – Madhya Pradesh

Inventory of ethnobotanicals and other systematic procedures for regional conservation of medicinal and sacred plants Author: Vijay V Wagh Affiliation: Plant Diversity, Systematics and Herbarium Division, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, …

Video | Schooling the World – a documentary on the world’s last sustainable indigenous cultures

SCHOOLING THE WORLD takes a challenging, sometimes funny, ultimately deeply troubling look at the role played by modern education in the destruction of the world’s last sustainable indigenous cultures.  The …

Documentary on the matrilineal Khasi Tribe: A social order where women are dignified and not discriminated against – Meghalaya

By Kamayani Bali Mahabal | To read the full article with images, click here >> Filmmaker Aditya Seth demystifies the traditions and culture of the matrilineal Khasi tribe of Meghalaya, as they discover their …

Tribal influence on Indian and international fashion – Chhattisgarh & Seven Sister States

While fashion is a reliable reflector of change, it is also the marker of a continuity of control exerted by the affluent and the powerful. Desmond L. Kharmawphlang G. Badaiasuk …

Audio | Birsa Munda (1875-1900), the young, charismatic healer: “The only Adivasi whose portrait hangs in the Indian Parliament”

Prof. Sunil Khilnani profiles Birsa Munda, the young, charismatic healer who led his tribal community in revolt against the British and whose life, more than a century after his death, …