India’s tribal cultural heritage – Andhra Pradesh

“There cannot be a mere developmental/economistic solution to the Adivasi ‘problem’. But that has been the dominant approach to mitigating their condition. […] Adivasis cannot be equal citizens until they …

Recovering tribal culture from the misrepresentation of mainstream media: Papers presented for “Tribes In Transition-II: Reaffirming Indigenous Identity Through Narrative” (National Conference)

Parallel session 1: Tribal Identity and Resistance Narratives (28th February 2017)Chaired by: Prof. Shreya Bhattacharji, CUJ, RanchiPaper Presenters: Violina Borah (JNU, New Delhi), Moumita Roy (Delhi University, New Delhi), Juhi R.V. …

Forests as livelihoods for tribals – Project Tiger in Odisha (Orissa)

Source: Endangered Tigers and the Fate of Indigenous peoples: The Story of Jenabil, India | EcoWalktheTalkAddress : Visited: Wed Aug 17 2011 20:11:19 GMT+0200 (CEST)

“We are nothing without the forest, and the forest is nothing without us”: Kattunayakans in the Nilgiris, one of the last few remaining honey gathering communities of the world – Tamil Nadu

Living in the Nilgiris, the Kattunayakans are one of the last few remaining honey gathering communities of the world. Over many generations they have mastered the skills required to tap …

“A multi-tribes state very rich in folk songs, music and dances”: Festivals that promote intercultural connections (February) – Arunachal Pradesh

[…] “Arunachal Pradesh being a multi-tribes state is very rich in folk songs, music and dances. However, the resonance of folk music and such performances are diminishing owing to the …