Adivasi poetry that “expresses unwillingness and disagreement”: Probing into the culture of the ex-tea garden labourers – Assam

On second day of TLF, session on “Young Tribal Writers; Their Themes, Issues and Challenges was organized.” The session was chaired by Prof. Sivashish Biswas, Assam University, Assam. During the session, …

Infusing the Santhali Element in Schooling by Rina Mukherji

[…] “Santhal children are compelled to leave behind the culture they grew up in , whenever they go in for modern education and learning the rudiments of the three r’s. …

Jaipal Singh and the Adivasi (Adibasi) movement of modern India: A gifted speaker from Chotanagpur – Jharkhand

The first report on minority rights, made public in late August 1947, provided for reservation for Untouchables only. Muslims were denied the right, which in the circumstances was to be …

Audio | Manasamangal song cycle of the snake goddess, Manasa: A tribal goddess appropriated into the Hindu pantheon: The Travelling Archive – West Bengal & Bangladesh

To listen to the recordings, search for “Manasamangal” and click the play button beneath “Listen to a song from this session” on the Travelling Archive website >> Also visit the Travelling Archive website …

“What unites Indians is a love for songs”: Adivasi music – Rajasthan and Gujarat

Source: “What unites Indians is a love for songs” by Ganesh [G.N.] Devy (The Telegraph, 1 November 2019)URL: Visited: 14 July 2022

Music album and video by Santal village children and youths (DVD, CD): “Children see world around them differently” – West Bengal & Odisha

The photos were taken by the students themselves. Now, we have produced two music albums (one video and another audio). All the photos and video clippings that are used in …

Mahasweta Devi – a writer-activist’s literary tribute to the civilizational graces of the adivasis

CELEBRATING WOMEN a symposium on women who made a difference Excerpt from “The adivasi Mahashweta” [Mahasweta] by https:y in 540, August 2004 | Read the full article here >> DO I know Mahashweta …