Video & eJournal | “Biodiversity”: Inherited knowledge and its value for modern healthcare & using resources in a sustainable manner – M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

Learn from M.S. Swaminathan – a world renowned scientist (1925-2023) – how biological diversity contributes to public health, people’s livelihood and environmental security in addition to food security: his call on …

SRISTI – institutional support to the activities of the Honey Bee Network

Source: About Us | SRISTIAddress : Visited: Mon Jun 11 2012 20:41:24 GMT+0200 (CEST) [Bold typeface added above for emphasis] India’s hidden hotbeds of invention – Anil Gupta and …

Audio | “We can affect the future by what we do today”: Canadian science communicator David Suzuki on the importance of preserving ecosystems

Listen to David Suzuki’s Survival Guide | Naked Ape to Superspecies >> “Forget it […] even if we could bring all the species back to life we don’t know enough …

Indigenous knowledge views invasive species as an opportunity: “Every plant and animal is useful to us” – Canada

Read the full story and view more images  >> Source: ‘Every plant and animal is useful to us’: Indigenous professor re-thinking how we deal with invasive speciesURL: 22 April 2018 MORE …

eJournal | Involving tribal communities in conservation: Sustainable resource use and forest conservation by the Kaani community of Kanyakumari – Tamil Nadu

Update 8 February 2018: Davidson Sargunam, Ch. 3, pp. 37-55 3. Sustainable resource use and forest conservation by the Kaani indigenous community of Kanyakumari forests in the Western Ghats, India …

Learn more about India’s Himalayan tribal communities

Mapping indigenous memories with a holistic understanding of the living planet: “Summer Rain” – Kerala

Indigenous knowledge in Kerala, as in any part of the world, was impeccable in matters concerning the forests, the agricultural fields, the ponds and the rivers. It had a holistic …

ePaper | Tribal people contribute to cultural diversity and knowledge of medicinal plants: Conserving Tradition and Practices of Adivasi Communities in India

Key Takeaways Source: “Key Takeaways” in “Conserving Tradition and Practices of Adivasi Communities in India”, National Institute of Disaster Management (, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India) and Tribal …