Video & eBook | Reviving the Huka Banam: Fiddle of choice for the Santal communities – West Bengal

The Huka Banam has been a Santal tradition, particularly among the community in Purulia and Bankura. Since the last two decades or so however, the tradition has gradually become extinct. …

Video | “Please sister, pluck me a flower”: Santal puppetry and dhodro banam exponent Damon Murmu documented by Daricha Foundation – West Bengal

Daman Murmu is a Santal puppeteer and Banam artist from North Dinajpur in West Bengal. He performs the rare Chadar Badani form of puppetry which is practically extinct among the …

Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India: Art revival Projects by Eastern Zonal Cultural Center (EZCC) – Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Manipur, Odisha, Sikkim, Tripura, West Bengal and The Union Territory of The Andaman and Nicobar Islands

The Eastern Zonal Cultural Center (EZCC) covering the states of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Manipur, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura, West Bengal and The Union Territory of The Andaman and Nicobar Islands is …

Is “brick house” the only sign of development? – West Bengal

Dr. Boro Baski; translated from Bengali to English by Asha BaskiOriginally published in Anandabazar Patrika (India’s most widely read Bengali daily) I was born in a Santal village in Birbhun …

“Historical experiences of land encroachment, acquisition of forest land by the Government and tribal displacement”: Group inequality, development status & the position of women – Kerala

In the matter of poverty, group inequality is still a matter of concern for Kerala as we see in the following chapter: Absolute deprivation continues to be largely concentrated among …

eBook | “Painted Words”: An Anthology edited by Prof Ganesh Devy – Tribal Literature from all over India

“It is almost impossible to characterize all of India’s tribals in a single ethnographic or historic framework. […] After Independence, these communities were ‘denotified’ and placed quite randomly in the …

Illustrated and bilingual resources suitable for urban and rural schools alike: A range of beautiful books published by Tulika & Tara

The first chaang, the first elephant, once had big eyes,Which the animals thought looked beautiful and wise.Then, along came a bird, a wagtail, and… Told in verse, this folktale from the …

“A rich oral tradition and music”: Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures in Shillong – Meghalaya

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GALLERY Music plays an important role in the life and culture of most people in the North East. “Music is in their blood”, it is often said metaphorically. …