“Why India Needs Scheduled Tribes to Educate its Future Judges”: Adivasi rights and the the Indian constitution

The rights of adivasis in the Indian constitution are not an act of benevolence to “mainstream and uplift them” but a recognition that the “mainstream” of Indian society has many …

Globalisation in a historical perspective: “Histories of the Adivasis have largely been neglected”

Globalisation, Environmentally Non-sustainable Growth and the Plight of the Adivasis of India Historian Anjana Singh offers insights into Adivasi’s living conditions In this article the attempt will be made to …

Linguistic diversity and multilingualism – Interviews with Prof. Ganesh Devy

Devy has worked incessantly to establish the linguistic diversity and numeric strength of subaltern cultures in India. In a politically resonant statement during a public lecture last year in Bengaluru, …

Sacred groves protected by India’s tribal communities: Fostering a sense of togetherness and harmony

Living in harmony with Nature has been an integral part of Indian culture. This has been abundantly reflected in a variety of traditional practices, religious beliefs, rituals, folklore, arts and …

Access to (higher) education and employment: Papers presented for “Tribes In Transition-II: Reaffirming Indigenous Identity Through Narrative” (National Conference)

Parallel Session 5: Indigenous Communities Negotiating with ModernityChaired by: Prof. Sonajharia Minz, School of Computer & Systems Sciences, JNU, New Delhi, India.Paper Presenters: Vijay Baraik (IGNOU, New Delhi), Dhaneshwar Bhoi …