What Adivasis themselves have to say: Reflections on life, religion, politics, the past, the present, and the world around them – Tamil Nadu

Reams have been written about adivasis by so-called experts. Much of it is subjective interpretation, an exercise I have always been wary of indulging in. For this issue, therefore, my …

Tribal culture in Jharkhand – Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre

Carved out of Bihar in 2000, many treasures of the relatively new state of Jharkhand situated in the Chota Nagpur Plateau is still less known to most people. Nature wears …

Anthropological Museum in Mysore – Karnataka

Anthropological MuseumManav Bhawan, BogadiMysore, Karnataka Anthropological Survey of Indiawww.ansi.gov.in The Anthropological Museum is a treasure trove of objects and weapons used by the South Indian communities, primarily the tribal communities, …

International framework through ILO and U.N. Conventions recognises rights of indigenous and tribal communities to ownership, control and management of land and resources

Tribal and indigenous communities across the world have been asserting their rights to the mineral wealth often found under the land they own or possess or have traditional rights to. …

eJournal | “Environmental groups and movements have been at the forefront of efforts to democratize state institutions”

[…] In India, as elsewhere, colonialism is “first, foremost and always” about land. As in North America and Africa, the policing of reserve forests has often resulted in what amounts …

Research and Indigenous Peoples: A counter-story to Western ideas about the benefits of the pursuit of knowledge

Decolonizing MethodologiesResearch and Indigenous PeoplesLinda Tuhiwai Smith To the colonized, the term ‘research’ is conflated with European colonialism; the ways in which academic research has been implicated in the throes …

Museums of Happiness & No Going Back – Peer Learning Programme

The peer learning programme builds on the particular power of museums to draw on past stories of rapid transition and transformation; and inspire museums and their communities to shape new …