Knowing their rights and making it known: The four indigenous communities in the Gudalur valley of the Nilgiris – Tamil Nadu

The Gudalur valley in the Nilgiris is home to four distinct indigenous communities – Paniyas, Kattunayakans, Mullukurumbas and Bettakurumbas. Learn more: >> On 15th December, 2014, members from 31 …

SRISTI – institutional support to the activities of the Honey Bee Network

Source: About Us | SRISTIAddress : Visited: Mon Jun 11 2012 20:41:24 GMT+0200 (CEST) [Bold typeface added above for emphasis] India’s hidden hotbeds of invention – Anil Gupta and …

Visual anthropological records of the adivasi communities’ lives and traditions: A project facilitated by Video Volunteers – Gujarat

“We learnt how to make a story. We never gave importance to the story before, but now we do.” – Jyotiben, trainer “Even in the age of information overload, it is …

Indigenous knowledge views invasive species as an opportunity: “Every plant and animal is useful to us” – Canada

Read the full story and view more images  >> Source: ‘Every plant and animal is useful to us’: Indigenous professor re-thinking how we deal with invasive speciesURL: 22 April 2018 MORE …

India’s tribal cultural heritage – Nagaland

“Bringing school dropouts back to the world of letters”: Thalir Trust, a school founded by three tribal youths – Kerala

Source: “A chance to study again” by E.M. Manoj, The Hindu, 16 September 2015Address: Visited: 17 October 2022 [Among] India’s biggest problems [is the fact that its] education system …

“Is tribal identity relevant in today’s world?” Inaugural Speech for “Tribes In Transition-II: Reaffirming Indigenous Identity Through Narrative” (National Conference) – New Delhi

Source: Report for the ICSSR-sponsored Two-Day National Conference Tribes In Transition-II: Reaffirming Indigenous Identity Through Narrative organised by The Department of English & Outreach Programme Jamia Millia Islamia (New Delhi, …

eBook | Khasi, Garo and Jaintia communities are “models for sustainability in the future”: Report and recommendations on ways to counter deforestation – Meghalaya

Deforestation in Garo Hills and its impact Abstract by Manoj Kumar The state was declared a full-fledged state of the Indian Union on January 21, 1972. The state of Meghalaya …