A love story noted for gracefully navigating between tribal society and modernity: Kurukh language film “Edpa Kana” (Going Home) – Jharkhand

A young man loves a young woman of his own tribe but a different religion. They speak Kurukh but it seems a global audience in Kerala has understood them well, …

eJournal | Story-telling as sacred ritual: The Creation Myth of the Santals as accepted by contemporary Santal society – Jharkhand & West Bengal

The Creation Myth of the Santals by Ivy Hansdak Folklore Foundation Lokaratna Volume VIII 2015pp. 14-18 1. | To read the full article and other contributions, click here >> “This paper will …

eJournal | Lokaratna eMagazine – Odisha

Lokaratna is a refereed e-journal of the Folklore Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha in India. The purpose of the journal is to explore the rich cultural tradition of Odisha for a wider …

Video | An Ethnographic film by Sathya Mohan: The economy, social organization, religion and mythology of the Koyas – Andhra Pradesh

Watch this and other video documentaries by Sathya Mohan on Vimeo: THE KOYAS (Parts 1 & 2) >> This award-winning ethnographic film in two parts made by Sathya Mohan deals with the nature-man …

JAGWAR Santal Literary Meet 2015 (14-15 February) focusing on “individual and collective memories of loss”: Johar HRD Centre, Dumka – Jharkhand

“Memory is a tricky thing: it picks and chooses what to preserve and what to discard. Sometimes it is the trivial that triggers the process of remembering a great loss.” …

Inculcating pride for their mother tongue in Madia children: Language is more than a medium of communication – Maharashtra

Samiksha Godse-Amte, The Hindu, April 3, 2013 | Read the full article here >> When an ‘apple’ was shown in a kindergarten class and asked what it was, the question …

Proto-Dravidian languages that have survived or intermingled with others across northern India: “Living examples of ancient Dravidian languages”

Old Dravidian | Read the full article here >> In the historical past Proto-Dravidian was spoken throughout India. When the Turanians and the Aryans came to India through the Khyber …