Watch this and other video documentaries by Sathya Mohan on Vimeo: THE KOYAS (Parts 1 & 2) >>
This award-winning ethnographic film in two parts made by Sathya Mohan deals with the nature-man interaction and the associated belief system. It examines the features of the environment and ecology in relation to the Koyas economic system – the interaction of productive forces and the natural resources. The economy, the social organization, the religion and the mythology of the Koyas are closely inter-related, inter-dependent and interacting. Each aspect of the nature-man interaction and the belief system attached to it, viewed as a whole – as a complex – gives the basic picture of the Koya culture. The basis of enormous diversity in the Indian cultural matrix lies in its varied ecological conditions. The interplay of nature and culture is implicit in the little traditions of the sub-continent. The Koya culture is unique in adapting itself to its natural setting.
Source: TRIBES OF INDIA on Vimeo Address : Date Visited: Tue Jul 22 2014 15:19:26 GMT+0200 (CEST)
The Hindu, Telangana, KHAMMAM, January 23, 2015
Twelve people of the Koya tribe from various spheres are part of a committee to promote the rich literary and cultural heritage of the Adivasis.
The committee, christened Koyatur Lipi Basha Samskruthi Adyayana Vedika, has devised an ambitious action plan under the guidance of Jayadheer Tirumal Rao, visiting professor at the Centre for Dalit and Adivasi Studies and Translation (CDAST), University of Hyderabad (UoH).
Sources said the plan of action envisages several concrete initiatives such as publication of a monthly magazine in Koya language, in “Koyatur” script, exclusively dedicated to foster the glorious centuries-old cultural heritage and traditions of the people of the tribe. […]
He told The Hindu that the committee would strive to preserve the rich cultural heritage of Koya Adivasis and popularise the Koyatur script in the entire Bhadrachalam Agency.
Source: Tribal panel to preserve Koya culture, script – The Hindu
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Date Visited: Mon Mar 09 2015 19:07:51 GMT+0100 (CET)
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