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We met adivasis who had been persecuted by the Naxalites, and other adivasis who had been tormented by the Salwa Judum vigilantes [i.e. “a strange, not to say bizarre, example …

ePaper | Press Freedom in “The World’s Largest Democracy”: World Press Freedom Day (3 May) – Fact checking

ePaper | View or download the UNESCO global report 2021/2022 titled“Threats that silence: trends in the safety of journalists; insights discussion paper: World trends in freedom of expression and media …

Reduce the trust deficit between the administration and the tribals in India’s “rurban” country: Former Minister for Rural Development

Source: “Cities and Migration”, UN-HabitatURL: https://unhabitat.org/gccm-cities-and-migrationDate Visited: 22 August 2023 Most Indian cities—of which 59 have populations of over a million people—lack adequate housing, sanitation, clean water, health care, education, …

Success stories illustrated and facilitated by Warli artist Rajesh Chaitya Vangad – Maharashtra & Bihar

My Gandhi Story | Preview or order this Tulika book here >>Author : Nina Sabnani, Ankit ChadhaIllustrator : Rajesh Chaitya VangadEveryone has their own story of Gandhi — and in this book a Warli artist, a storyteller …

Western India’s cotton-growing and -dyeing technologies traced to Indus Valley civilization – Western region

The western region consists of the desert states of Gujarat and Rajasthan as well as Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh and western Madhya Pradesh. […] The region is home to a …

Toda cultural heritage and education: Nilgiri mountains – Tamil Nadu

A visit to the Toda hamlet known as Taranadmund near Ooty makes it clear that for the Toda community, cultural heritage is part of everyday life and worship. The local …

Chipko movement: “A people’s revolt against mindless deforestation” inspired by Gandhi – India’s 10 most powerful movements

Saving the forests of Garhwal by sticking to trees. Fighting a big dam by living in submerged waters. These movements redefined the greening of India. STICKING TO A CAUSE Chipko …