“Historical experiences of land encroachment, acquisition of forest land by the Government and tribal displacement”: Group inequality, development status & the position of women – Kerala

In the matter of poverty, group inequality is still a matter of concern for Kerala as we see in the following chapter: Absolute deprivation continues to be largely concentrated among …

Tip | Indigenous innovations, how to help tribal kids reach school on time, creating awareness of women’s health and other success stories – The Better India

Our community health workers and village co-ordinators have been leading from the front in responding to the needs of all the tribals across 320 hamlets, putting their lives at-risk while …

Film | “Mahua Memoirs” by Vinod Raja on Adivasis communities who live in the mountain tracts and forests of the Eastern Ghats – Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Chattisgarh & Jharkhand

Date and Time: 28-30 August, 2020 (48 hours, 6 pm-6 pm)Film: MAHUA MEMOIRSDirector: Vinod RajaDuration: 83 minutesFilm type: Documentary (with English subtitles)Produced by Grassroots media and Equations SYNOPSISSaloo, the bard …

Old seed festival “a wonderful example of community and NGOs participation” – Andhra Pradesh

Old seed festival, being organised by Sajeevani in association with Samata and CRYNET, is a wonderful example of community and NGOs participation which ensures that farmers get quality seed, said …

From celebrating “creative communing” to “One World university”: Kanavu, an alternative school for tribal children in Wayand – Kerala

Guda is the celebration of creative communing, in theme as well as in the process. Persons from Paniya, Kattu Nayka and other tribal communities of Wayanad in the Indian state …

A school that successfully incorporates “the forests and the Adivasi way of life”: Vidyodaya at Gudalur – Tamil Nadu

The forest in Shanthi Teacher’s classroom Priti David, Ruralindiaonline.org May 23, 2018 | To read the full story or view a slideshow, click here | View on Instagram >> The …

“To be taught in a language other than one’s own has a negative effect on learning”: Teaching experiences with English medium in Adivasi education – Viswa Bharati Vidyodaya & UNESCO

Tip: https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/SitePages/resources-lc-issue-7-august-2020-multilingual-context.aspx It is a complex issue. Something we have been grappling with over the years. Ideally linguistic diversity must be protected at all costs. But pragmatically, in our increasing …

Village elders’ involvement has worked wonders: Adivasi kids from Nilgiris tribal hamlets now complete their basic education – Tamil Nadu

COIMBATORE: A grassroots movement to keep Adivasi kids in school has seemingly worked wonders in over 320 tribal hamlets in Gudalur, Nilgiris. The Adivasi Munnetra Sangam, Gudalur, spearheaded a movement …