Giving a voice to the Maya people of Central America: Award-winning film “Ixcanul” – Guatemala

Maria, a 17 year old Mayan woman, lives on the slopes of an active volcano in Guatemala. An arranged marriage awaits her. Although Maria dreams of seeing ‘the city’, her …

A love story noted for gracefully navigating between tribal society and modernity: Kurukh language film “Edpa Kana” (Going Home) – Jharkhand

A young man loves a young woman of his own tribe but a different religion. They speak Kurukh but it seems a global audience in Kerala has understood them well, …

Video | An Ethnographic film by Sathya Mohan: The economy, social organization, religion and mythology of the Koyas – Andhra Pradesh

Watch this and other video documentaries by Sathya Mohan on Vimeo: THE KOYAS (Parts 1 & 2) >> This award-winning ethnographic film in two parts made by Sathya Mohan deals with the nature-man …

Inculcating pride for their mother tongue in Madia children: Language is more than a medium of communication – Maharashtra

Samiksha Godse-Amte, The Hindu, April 3, 2013 | Read the full article here >> When an ‘apple’ was shown in a kindergarten class and asked what it was, the question …

Grassroots Cinema with tribal children in different tribal languages: Changemaker Sandeep Viswanath – Maharashtra

Shreya Pareek, Bangalore, June 3, 2014 His project titled ‘Grassroots Cinema’ consisted of five short films (in the local tribal languages) scripted, directed and shot in a democratic and participatory …

Film on ancient tribal creation myth and Kerala’s eco system wins ‘Golden Conch’ for Best Documentary at MIFF 2014: ‘Have you seen the arana?’ – Mumbai

To watch the film trailer and more information, click here >> ‘Have you seen the arana?’ wins the Golden Conch for Best Documentary in the National Competition at MIFF 2014.The …

Video | Life of the Samantha: An Ethnographic film by Sathya Mohan – Andhra Pradesh

Watch on Vimeo: THE SAMANTHAS >> This ethnographic film made by Sathya Mohan is a visual study of the socio-economic and the religious life of the Samanthas. The Samanthas or the Khonds …

“Aboriginal people are the true Australians”: Documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist John Pilger – Australia

Watch the trailer for Emmy and Bafta winning film-maker and journalist John Pilger’s epic new documentary about Australia. Two years in the making, Utopia reveals a shocking national secret behind …