Success stories illustrated and facilitated by Warli artist Rajesh Chaitya Vangad – Maharashtra & Bihar

My Gandhi Story | Preview or order this Tulika book here >>Author : Nina Sabnani, Ankit ChadhaIllustrator : Rajesh Chaitya VangadEveryone has their own story of Gandhi — and in this book a Warli artist, a storyteller …

“Bringing school dropouts back to the world of letters”: Thalir Trust, a school founded by three tribal youths – Kerala

Source: “A chance to study again” by E.M. Manoj, The Hindu, 16 September 2015Address: Visited: 17 October 2022 [Among] India’s biggest problems [is the fact that its] education system …

Western India’s cotton-growing and -dyeing technologies traced to Indus Valley civilization – Western region

The western region consists of the desert states of Gujarat and Rajasthan as well as Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh and western Madhya Pradesh. […] The region is home to a …

eBook | Khasi, Garo and Jaintia communities are “models for sustainability in the future”: Report and recommendations on ways to counter deforestation – Meghalaya

Deforestation in Garo Hills and its impact Abstract by Manoj Kumar The state was declared a full-fledged state of the Indian Union on January 21, 1972. The state of Meghalaya …

ePaper | The Kaani (Kani) community’s ethno-botanical knowledge of 300 medicinal herbs: Paper presented a the National Jackfruit Festival 2015 – Kerala

“Jackfruit and its value-added products have started stealing the show at various food festivals, thanks to the collective initiatives of peasants. However, the governments continue their habitual indifference to promoting …