The National Food Security Act: Real possibilities of ensuring nutritional support and economic security to all vulnerable households

The National Food Security Act is finally making headway in the poorest States. Amplified by reforms in the Public Distribution System, a modicum of nutritional support and economic security to …

Tip | Santal history and customs explained by the Daricha Foundation – West Bengal and Jharkhand

The Santals, a proto-Austroloid racial group,  are the largest tribe in West Bengal accounting  for more than 50% of the state`s tribal population. Other than West Bengal, their major concentration …

The “Sohrai” harvest festival of the Santals: A large mural created by village artists to express their cultural identity – West Bengal

Sohrai – The First Day The most important festival of the Santals is called Sohrai. It is the Harvest Festival celebrated after the rice harvest in early January. The celebrations …

The Santals by Boro Baski

Santals are the largest homogeneous tribal community in Eastern India. In the 1991 census, more than 5.2 million Santals were counted [5.8 million in the 2001 census]. People of this …

Video | “Reviving the Huka Banam”: A Workshop in support of Santal instrumental music (Daricha Foundation) – West Bengal

The Huka Banam has been a Santal tradition, particularly in Purulia and Bankura. However, this ancient instrument is gradually becoming extinct and there are just a handful of practitioners left …

In support of language diversity and cultural diversity – Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources

Today, our world is experiencing a rapid decline in cultural diversity and the eradication of indigenous peoples and their lifeway. One in five people in the world speak the same …

Tribal culture in Jharkhand – Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre

Carved out of Bihar in 2000, many treasures of the relatively new state of Jharkhand situated in the Chota Nagpur Plateau is still less known to most people. Nature wears …