Once they were the owners of these lands, All these vast expanses of forests, mountains and valleys belonged to them, and they lived of the fruits of nature without disturbing its harmony. Their rhythm of life was in tandem with the tunes of their environment. A rhythm that echoes in their music.
Their music and dance have helped mitigate the hardships of life, and brought them together in nurturing the values of mutual trust and love.
But with the periodic arrival of usurpers from the plains their lives got altered drastically. […] – Introduction (voiceover)
Source: Kanavu: A School with A Difference © UGC 2000
Ch-02: SANSKRITI [Arts, History, Philosophy]
CEC 02: Arts (Arts, Humanities and Languages) managed by CEC,DELHI
URL: https://youtu.be/DAKtKeOGWQQ
Date Visited: 4 April 2020
Reflections on Adivasi Silence and Voice by Ganesh [G.N.] Devy | Publications >>
When you travel along a highway, you tend to notice the well maintained asphalt, the maniquered lawns, the big trees, fields stretching up to the horizon, carpet of blossoms.
But on a closer look and if you are not in a hurry, you will notice that your scenery is also dotted with tiny way side flowers. They are as beautiful, perhaps more important than the dominating landscapes. Kanavu, the alternate school tucked away in the hills of Wynad forest, is one of them.
The children of Kanavu come from wrecked homes. Brought up like orphans by parents. Their mothers spend their meager daily earnings on watching movies, while fathers drink it up. In between the children remain abandoned. […]
Kanavu is a commune of tribal children. In Kanavu, children learn to live together and live together to learn.
The children do not follow any syllabus or curriculum. You can see them harvesting the string beans and ladies fingers practicing their martial art, listening and grasping their own history, singing their own songs, watching and understanding the film, “Rashamon” by Kurosawa.
This documentary [no longer online] tells the story of the children of Kanavu in the background of the aadivasi situation in Kerala and the so-called terminology of Kerala Education Model.
Source: Kanavu (Dream) | Third Eye Films
Address : https://thirdeyefilms.org/Kanavu
Date Visited: Tue Mar 12 2013 15:07:46 GMT+0100 (CET)
Photo © Ludwig Pesch
Wayanad song by Kanavu music group >>
Success stories that have made a world of difference for millions of schoolchildren:
Jointly creating storybooks in familiar languages for first-generation learners: Suchana, Pratham Books and StoryWeaver | More success stories >>
Search tips: More about Kanavu and Wayanad’s tribal cultural heritage | Use the search field seen below to find up-to-date information on the region’s Adivasi films, arts and related subjects
Up-to-date reports by Indian experts and journalists
Search tips
Combine the name of any particular state, language or region with that of any tribal (Adivasi) community.
Add keywords of special interest (music, poetry, dance just as health, sacred grove and biodiversity); learn about the rights of Scheduled Tribes such as the “Forest Rights Act” (FRA); and the United Nations “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “women’s rights”, or “children’s right to education”.
Specify any other issue or news item you want to learn more about (biodiversity, bonded labour and human trafficking, climate change, ecology, economic development, ethnobotany, ethnomedicine, global warming, hunter-gatherers in a particular region or state, prevention of rural poverty, water access).
For official figures include “scheduled tribe ST” along with a union state or region: e.g. “Chhattisgarh ST community”, “Himalayan tribe”, “Scheduled tribe Tamil Nadu census”, “ST Kerala census”, “Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group Jharkhand”, “PVTG Rajasthan”, “Adivasi ST Kerala”, “Adibasi ST West Bengal” etc.
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Note: hyperlinks and quotes are meant for fact-checking and information purposes only | Disclaimer >>
List of websites covered by this Google custom search engine
Academia.edu (platform for academics to share research papers) – www.academia.edu
Archive.org – https://archive.org
Centre for Science and Environment – https://www.cseindia.org
Current Conservation – https://www.currentconservation.org
Development and Cooperation (D+C) https://www.dandc.eu
Down To Earth (India) – www.downtoearth.org.in
India Environment Portal – www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in
Harnessing Nature Magazine – https://harnessingnature.online
Mongabay-India – https://india.mongabay.com
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation – www.mssrf.org
Navdanya (protecting India’s biodiversity based food heritage) – https://navdanya.org
Third World Network (Penang, Malaysia) – https://twn.my
The Shola Trust (nature conservation in the Nilgiri region) – www.thesholatrust.org
![Adivasi Dance Music search results](https://indiantribalheritage.org/wp-content/uploads/Adivasi-Dance-Music-CustomSearch-Screen_13-11-24.jpg)
Indian online periodicals and platforms | Images view >>
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Personalize your CustomSearch by combining other search words >>
(e.g. name of a tribal community and region, a craft, or dance and puppetry)
Research the above issues with the help of Shodhganga: A reservoir of theses from universities all over India, made available under Open Access >>
Note: hyperlinks and quotes are meant for fact-checking and information purposes only | Disclaimer >>
See also
Biodiversity and development – Kerala
Childhood – Kerala | Childrens rights: UNICEF India | Safe search
Childrens rights: English or Malayalam (UNICEF India)
eBook | Background guide for education
Education and literacy | Right to education
Kerala | State wise ST list (Scheduled Tribes)
Recommendations by the Expert Committee on Tribal Health
Tribal schools and educational projects – Kerala
Video | M.S. Swaminathan on Biodiversity and the sharing of resources
Video | Trailer to “Have you seen the arana?” – Kerala
Vulnerable tribal groups – Kerala
Women | Safe search | President Droupadi Murmu on women’s empowerment
View Tribal Cultural Heritage in India Foundation in a larger map