Photo © Ludwig Pesch
Wayanad song by Kanavu music group >>
URAVU is a non-government organization working with people, governments and businesses to implement programs for sustainable employment and income generation in rural areas. Uravu is a non-profit trust, established in 1996, registered under the Indian Trusts Act.
Uravu promotes social enterprises based on value addition of local, natural resources, especially bamboo, the “green gold”. Uravu implements integrated, end-to-end programs in the bamboo sector, which include providing skill training in bamboo processing, establishing micro enterprises, marketing of bamboo handicraft, cultivation of bamboo and promotion of eco-tourism.
Uravu strives for empowering marginalized social groups, especially the traditional artisans, women and the Indigenous People.
Uravu is located in Thrikkaipetta village in Wayanad district, Kerala state, South India
Source: www.uravu.net/
Date Visited: Sat Apr 04 2015 12:07:23 GMT+0200 (CEST)
Uravu is a premier agency in the country providing skill training in bamboo processing. Since its inception in 1996, Uravu has provided training in bamboo handicrafts to over 1000 women in different parts of Kerala and the neighboring states.
The master craftspersons at Uravu have undergone trainers’ training in various institutions including the Bamboo Studio, IIT-Mumbai, Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC), and National Institute of Design (NID).
With the support of the Common Facilities Centre (CFC) in Thrikkaipetta village, Uravu has upgraded its training programs to include training in using various bamboo processing machines.
Source: http://uravu.net/programs/
Date Visited: Sat Apr 04 2015 12:08:23 GMT+0200 (CEST)
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Academia.edu (platform for academics to share research papers) – www.academia.edu
Archive.org – https://archive.org
Centre for Science and Environment – https://www.cseindia.org
Current Conservation – https://www.currentconservation.org
Development and Cooperation (D+C) https://www.dandc.eu
Down To Earth (India) – www.downtoearth.org.in
India Environment Portal – www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in
Harnessing Nature Magazine – https://harnessingnature.online
Mongabay-India – https://india.mongabay.com
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation – www.mssrf.org
Navdanya (protecting India’s biodiversity based food heritage) – https://navdanya.org
Third World Network (Penang, Malaysia) – https://twn.my
The Shola Trust (nature conservation in the Nilgiri region) – www.thesholatrust.org

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See also
Adivasi Academy & Museum of Adivasi Voice at Tejgadh
Atree.org | Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology & the Environment (posts)
Biodiversity | Hyderabad biodiversity pledge | Nilgiri Biosphere
eBook | Background guide for education