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Our fate in our hands
India’s indigenous Adivasi tribes are among the most disadvantaged people south of the Himalayan mountains. To improve their lot, some have begun to set up community-based organisations. […]
We have experienced that the shift from tradition to modernity is loaded with difficulties. It can easily take several generations. We do not want to be overwhelmed. Santal life is moulded by various socio-cultural and religious intricacies. Addressing any single aspect of peoples’ lives is unlikely to improve their living standard as a whole. We therefore have taken a holistic approach, trying to address all relevant aspects of village life. […]
All our initiatives reflect the rhythm and the abilities of the villagers.
Source: Boro Baski: Achievements of an Adivasi self-help organisation in India – Development and Cooperation – International Journal.
Address : http://www.dandc.eu/articles/220714/index.en.shtml
Date Visited: Wed Aug 29 2012 18:06:46 GMT+0200 (CEST)
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Santal culture: music, video, eBooks and more
Audio | Santali Traditional and Fusion Songs: Ghosaldanga Bishnubati Adibasi Trust – West Bengal
eBook | Background guide for education
eBook | Free catalogue: Banam: One of the ancient musical instruments of the Santals – West Bengal
eBook | Free catalogue: Museum of Santal Culture (Bishnubati) – West Bengal
Education and literacy | Right to education
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RSV School & Museum of Santal Culture
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