Filmmakers’ interest in tribal culture and biodiversity – communication between Mexico and Jharkhand


A Mexican wave of empathy – Tribal culture strikes a chord with filmmaker couple

One may be forgiven for asking “hom what?” But Mexican filmmaker couple Francesco Taboada Tabone and Fernanda Robinson has the answer.  […]

The couple, whose films are about indigenous issues in contemporary Mexico and South America, are especially interested in watching Sarhul festivities, where tribals welcome spring. A Sarhul celebration will be hosted on the campus of Ranchi University’s Tribal and Regional Language department on March 25.

Jharkhand, also grappling with the forces of modernity in its tribal heartland, has “fascinated” the couple, who is even mulling a film here.

“I had heard about rich culture and political struggles of tribal people of Jharkhand. That’s why I came here for a first-hand feel. I have not come prepared now but I may think of making a film on the tribal people here, their culture, struggling languages and political struggles,” Tabone told The Telegraph.

Robinson, showing no sign of jetlag, even held an impromptu jamming session with tribal musicians and dancers at the Tribal and Regional Language department premises, her hom pax proving to be an able icebreaker.

On Friday, the Mexican couple will get a glimpse of the rich biodiversity and culture of Netarhat hills. On Saturday they will get to see tribal dance accompanied by the nagada.

“We have come to your beautiful state on the invitation of filmmakers Meghnath and Biju Toppo,” smiled Robinson, catching her breath after blowing the Mayan trumpet.

The couple’s own films include acclaimed ones such as Los Ultimos Zapatistas (The Last Zapatista), Pancho Villa, La Revolution no ha Terminado (Revolution Not Over).

They focus on indigenous issues, particularly the disappearing native languages of Mexico and South America. […]

In Jharkhand, tribal intellectuals are concerned about how youngsters are losing touch with tribal languages. […]

We hope our visit opens up channels of communication between Mexico and Jharkhand. Both have much in common culturally,” Tabone said.

Source: “A Mexican wave of empathy” by SANTOSH K. KIRO, The Telegraph, 23 March 2012
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Date Visited: Sun Apr 15 2012 13:41:42 GMT+0200 (CEST)

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