Santali and related tribal languages of the Chotanagpur region: Mundari, Ho & Birjiya – Jharkhand
Courtesy: Dr. Ivy Hansdak, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi (email 17 March 2017)
Tribal Cultural Heritage in India
Showcasing new initiatives in education
Courtesy: Dr. Ivy Hansdak, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi (email 17 March 2017)
The Hunting Dance of the Santhals who live in the hilly plateaus of the Chota Nagpur region of the Santhal Parganas of Jharkhand is known as the Hunta Dance. This …
The first report on minority rights, made public in late August 1947, provided for reservation for Untouchables only. Muslims were denied the right, which in the circumstances was to be …
Chota Nagpur [Chotanagpur] plateau is in eastern India, in Jharkhand state. The plateau is composed of Precambrian rocks (more than 540,000,000 years old). Chota Nagpur is the collective name for …
Firkal is an unusual name for a dance form. Many scholars of Indian dance as well as social anthropologists have not heard of it, far less seen it being performed. …
Unique: ‘Firkal’ performanceNo mention has been made of it in ancient treatises, history books, traveller’s account or even in archaelogical records. | Read more >> Older than Kalaripayattu, and even …
Source: Irish Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 19(2) 2016 Autumn/WinterEDITORIAL NOTE, LIDIA GUZY, MARINE CARRIN, HARALD TAMBS-LYCHE 17-12-17 To read or download the full issue, click here >> Exploitation, land rights, and identity …
The term Adivasi (Adibasi) was coined in the 1930s. It refers to the various “indigenous peoples of India” (adi “original”, “earliest” –vasi “inhabitant”, “settler”): “Indigenous communities of India are commonly referred to as tribal or adivasi …