Interviews with members of tribal communities in one of the most developed regions of India: Wayanad District in Kerala. Returning to the forest with abundant resources that shaped the ancestral tribal lifestyle is no longer feasible for these women and men. They share their daily experiences and reflect on the dilemma of being an Adivasi in the modern world: what it means to speak one’s own language in public, wearing one’s traditional dress in mainstream society and the impact of modern agriculture and changing diet on their health.
Adivasi: People on the Edge from Bryan McIntyre on Vimeo.
by Bryan McIntyre
Shared footage and photographs : Bryan McIntyre, Ashley Bruxvoort, The University of Iowa
Translations: Roshen Chandran, Visthar
Media: Siddarth Selvaraj, Studio 33
Faculty Director: Sujatha Sosale, Study Abroad Course, International Programs, UI; Associate Professor, School of
Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of Iowa
We gratefully acknowledge all the help and resources provided by Visthar and RASTA.
Source: Adivasi: People on the Edge on Vimeo
Address : <>
Date Visited: Thu Jul 26 2012 16:43:46 GMT+0200 (CEST)
See also
Biodiversity and development – Kerala
Childhood – Kerala | Childrens rights: UNICEF India | Safe search
Childrens rights: English or Malayalam (UNICEF India)
eBook | Background guide for education
Education and literacy | Right to education
Kerala | State wise ST list (Scheduled Tribes)
Recommendations by the Expert Committee on Tribal Health
Tribal schools and educational projects – Kerala
Video | M.S. Swaminathan on Biodiversity and the sharing of resources
Video | Trailer to “Have you seen the arana?” – Kerala
Vulnerable tribal groups – Kerala
Women | Safe search | President Droupadi Murmu on women’s empowerment