Read the inaugural Speech by Dr. Ivy Hansdak: “Is tribal identity relevant in today’s world?” delivered during the conference titled “Tribes In Transition-II: Reaffirming Indigenous Identity Through Narrative” | Conference report | Video presentation “Tribes in Transition III” (September 2021): Inaugural Session & Keynote Speech by Prof. Anvita Abbi >>
Plenary Session 5: Human Trafficking in Tribal India: A Focus on Jharkhand
Presented by: Sister Gemma Toppo, Ursuline Convent, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Chaired by: Dr. Ivy Imogene Hansdak, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Sister Gemma Toppo, founder-member of the Ranchi-based NGO, Asha Kiran, Ranchi, and recipient of the Jharkhand Samaan 2015, began the session by reflecting upon her NGO that rescues young girls from the network of human trafficking. The enriching presentation enlightened the audience regarding the varied nuances, purposes and effects of human trafficking. The victims of this human trade suffer life-long impact of marginalization and they require proper counselling and rehabilitation. The talk provided insights into the difference between migration and trafficking, and the way human trafficking is modern-day slavery. Sister Gemma Toppo has been instrumental in the rescue of these girls and their rehabilitation in her NGO. Through her work, she has been able to provide new hope to the survivors of human trade by teaching them various skills so that they could live their lives independently.
(Student Rapporteur: Ms. Rajitha Venugopal)
[Bold typeface added above for emphasis]
Source: Report for the ICSSR-sponsored Two-Day National Conference Tribes In Transition-II: Reaffirming Indigenous Identity Through Narrative organised by The Department of English & Outreach Programme Jamia Millia Islamia (New Delhi, 27-28 February 2017)
Courtesy Dr. Ivy Hansdak, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi (email 4 October 2017)

Human trafficking is a crime. To report in India, call Shakti Vahini
+91-11-42244224, +91-9582909025 or the national helpline Childline on 1098.
“As per a study on human trafficking, the state of Jharkhand has emerged as India’s trafficking hub with thousands of tribal women and girls being trafficked out of the state each year to Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and beyond [while] human traffickers are also involved in many cases of missing children.” – The Wire | Shakti Vahini | Tourism locations | Adivasi tribal bondage slavery trafficking (Safe search) >>
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