Direct income from forests as an incentive for conservation
By Prof. V Santhakumar (Azim Premji University)
February 23, 2024 Read the full post here | View all posts by vsanthakumar >>
I was visiting Dayak villages in the Sintang regency of West Kalimantan (Borneo) last week. Despite the expansion of palm oil plantation in lands leased out by the government and also in private lands, there are communities which continue to use and protect forests there. These wet-tropical forests provide a variety of products which enable these communities not only to meet their subsistence needs but also to earn a decent income to meet their growing requirements of money. […]
It is not that getting more money is the sole incentive to protect forests by these communities. There is community cohesion and the life in these villages with their cultural attributes is meaningful to these communities. It is possible for one member of the community to take actions that may destroy forests but community pressure is adequate so far to prevent such actions. Hence the value attached to community life and culture is also enabling the protection of forests. […]
There are challenges too. Youngsters in these communities are getting educated and migrating to cities. They may lose interest in activities (like the collection of ilippe nuts) which can generate income from forests. It is good if their migration leads to the non-use of forests, but a non-dependence on forests can also lead to their conversion for commercial purposes. […]
There are positive externalities in forest conservation. Yes private individuals or for-profit actors can provide these externalities to some extent. But the crucial insight from economics that individuals and private firms may undersupply those goods and services which have positive externalities continues to be relevant for forest conservation. This is where the state has to play an important role. […]
Source: “Direct income from forests as an incentive for conservation” on Economics in Action
Date Visited: 17 April 2024
[Bold typeface added above for emphasis]
How tribal communities have protected India’s forests and preserved biodiversity all over the world
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