Handicrafts and tribal arts’ enthusiasts will soon have much to cheer about. Coimbatore will soon get the 30 exclusive ‘Tribes India’ showroom that will offer a variety of tribal arts, crafts, and other products from all over India. […]
Inking a memorandum of understanding with TNAU, the Managing Director said the showrooms in other parts of the country, mainly North India, were doing very well and hence the decision to open one in Coimbatore.
“Their work is very good and is appreciated by the buyers. But, some of their designs with respect to clothes and jewellery are not contemporary and in sync with the modern taste. Hence, TRIFED is accessing designers from Milan to train them in textile design. They will also be trained in customising jewellery to make them more popular,” Mr. Thomson said.
The Federation has value experts who assess the worth of each product before it is priced competitively. This would guarantee that the shop in Coimbatore, set to open in July, would ensure that the seller and buyer got their money’s worth.
Source: “City to get exclusive ‘Tribes India’ showroom” – The Hindu”, The Hindu, 23 March 2012
Address : http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Coimbatore/city-to-get-exclusive-tribes-india-showroom/article3190809.ece
Date Visited: Tue Nov 18 2014 11:46:57 GMT+0100 (CET)

COIMBATORE : For the first time, Toda women are being trained in traditional embroidery which will be showcased in Ooty soon
Udhagamandalam: For the first time, a three-month training programme for Toda tribals on their exclusive embroidery work was held in Ooty in the Nilgiris. The programme, which concluded on Monday, was sponsored by TRIFED (Ministry of Tribals Affairs, Government of India) and conducted in association with the Ooty based SHG, Shalom.
About 20 Toda women were trained for three months starting from November 2011. Shrinivas Shanke, assistant manager of TRIFED, revealed that an exclusive showroom will be opened in Ooty soon that would showcase the products made by these tribal women. […]
“TRIFED would like to help these tribes sell their products directly to consumers, without any middlemen,” he said.
According to Shanke, India stands fifth in forest honey production which often is taken up by tribals. “There is much scope for all tribal products including tusser, bamboo products and tribal arts in the national and international market,” he said. TRIFED will soon concentrate on the arts and crafts of other tribes in the Nilgiris after conducting a thorough study. There are six tribal communities which include Paniyas, Kotas, Irulas and Kurumbas, dwelling in the Nilgiris.
There are 42 showrooms, exclusively for tribal products, run by TRIFED across the country. While 20 showrooms are full-fledged the rest are in association with the concerned state governments, said Shanke.
Archana Patnaik, the Nilgiris Collector, who participated in the valedictory function of the Toda embroidery training programme said, “Pottery, which used to be the main craft of the Kota tribals, has become extinct and it should be revived. If it pays well, then youngsters would be encouraged to take it up as a career,” she said. […]
Source: “A platform to showcase Toda handicraft” – The Times of India”, The Times of India, 7 February 2012
Address : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/coimbatore/A-platform-to-showcase-Toda-handicraft/articleshow/11785674.cms
Date Visited: Tue Nov 18 2014 11:50:46 GMT+0100 (CET)
Imagine shopping for authentic tribal artefacts, sourced directly from tribal craftsmen, all under a single roof in Coimbatore. This will become a reality when the city will get the country’s 30th and the State’s first ‘Tribes India’ showroom on January 24.
Handicrafts and tribal arts enthusiasts will get an opportunity to shop here for products made by tribal artisans from every State in India. The 1,300 sq. ft. showroom, located on the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) campus, is being set up as a joint initiative of TNAU and Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED), Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
TRIFED is engaged in marketing tribal products to improve the livelihoods of the tribal communities through its exclusive showrooms across the country. […]
Coimbatorians can choose from metal craft, black pottery, paintings, textiles, novelties, jewellery, cane and bamboo, natural food products, and gifts and assortments. The showroom will also have a TNAU souvenir gallery. The Centre has plans to bring in artisans from different parts of the country from time to time to display their skills to the discerning public.
State’s first showroom will be opened on TNAU campus on January 24
Source: ‘Tribes India’ comes to Coimbatore by Amutha Kannan, The Hindu, January 22, 2013
Address : http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/tribes-india-comes-to-coimbatore/article4330762.ece
Date Visited: Tue Nov 18 2014 11:35:56 GMT+0100 (CET)
Communicate with the best gifts in the City
Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED), an organization under Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt of India, is engaged in marketing development of tribal products including tribal art & craft. As part of its marketing development initiatives Trifed has established retail outlet under the brand name of TRIBES INDIA .
TRIBES INDIA showcases the fascinating colours and treasures of Tribal India and offers a range of tribal products. In the state of Karnataka TRIBES INDIA has its showroom at Shop no: 5, BDA Complex Koramangla, Bangalore.
The magical mystique of tribal India finds expression at TRIBES INDIA- the exclusive shop of tribal artifacts in India espousing Tribal cause.
It is more than a treasure chest of tribal expressions created by the deft hands of the tribal artisans of Chhattisgarh, Arunachal Pradesh , Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Bihar & West Bengal. […]
Source: “Communicate with the best gifts in the City”, The Hindu, 30 July 2011
Address : http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-karnataka/article2307204.ece
Date Visited: Tue Dec 13 2011 10:49:03 GMT+0100 (CET)
NEW DELHI: For capacity building of tribal population and retail marketing of products manufactured by them, Government has approved a road map for Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation (TRIFED).
“TRIFED is engaged in marketing development of tribal products through a network of retail outlets which presently consists 29 of its own outlets and 14 showrooms,” Minister of State for Tribal Affairs Mahadeo Singh Khandela informed Lok Sabha today.
In written reply to a question on marketing of tribal products, he said Government has approved a road map for TRIFED in 11th five year plan which envisages financial assistance for retail marketing development, marketing of minor forest products, research and development and intellectual property right activities. […]
Source: “Government approves road map for TRIFED”, The Economic Times, 25 November 2011
Address : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/services/retail/government-approves-road-map-for-trifed/articleshow/10869284.cms
Date Visited: Tue Nov 18 2014 11:44:07 GMT+0100 (CET)
[Bold typeface added above for emphasis]
Source: A Compendium of Indian Handicrafts & Handlooms under
Geographical Indications (April 2017) | Find updates via custom search >>
Learn more about India’s tribal cultural heritage covered by this edition:
Bastar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra & Tamil Nadu >>
Tribal Arts in India: The National Inventory of Tribal Museums >>
Ethnographic Museums >>
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- States named above: Arunachal Pradesh | Bihar | Chhattisgarh | Gujarat |Madhya Pradesh | Orissa/Odisha | Tamil Nadu | West Bengal
- Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED)
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