Project “Dhwani” introduced at the state-run Tribal Museum – Maharashtra

Garima Rakesh Mishra, Indian Express,  Pune  Updated: March 9, 2016 | To read the full article, click here >>

As one enter the Queen’s Garden near Circuit House, he finds a building that immediately catches attention-the state-run Tribal Museum. On entering the museum, one encounters various artifacts that represent the facets of tribals in the state.

Since there nearly 1,350 artifacts with each having a history behind it, many a times, those who lack the patience to read, are left feeling the need for an audio setup or recording that shares information about each artifacts. Keeping the same in mind, the Tribal Museum, which is run by the state-run Tribal Research Training Institute, is introducing project Dhwani under which audio files playing recordings about each artifact and their history, will be introduced. […]

[T]he recordings will be made available in three languages—Hindi, Marathi and English. “All the tourists, be it Indians or foreigners, will be able to benefit from it,” she said, adding that the museum witnesses nearly 100 visitors daily on an average and the numbers double ot triple when school or college students visit it.

The museum is divided into a number of chambers, each displaying distinctive items. From photographs exhibiting tribal attires and rituals to a variety of musical instruments, utensils, weapons, tools, etc., the museum houses an assortment of items that throw light on tribal culture. There’s a chamber dedicated exclusively to tribal art, primarily warli. One can find warli paintings on walls, besides colourful masks of warli and kokna tribes and a variety of tribal jewellery. Tribal culture and literature scholar Kundalik Kedari says that although the initiative is good, there’s doubt as to what extent it will pass on authentic information. […]

Source: Now, audio guides to disseminate info about artifacts at Tribal Museum | The Indian Express
Date Visited: Tue Nov 01 2016 18:00:32 GMT+0100 (CET)


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