The Southern Regional Centre of IGRMS: “A hub for community” at Mysore (Maisuru) – Karnataka

The Southern Regional Centre of IGRMS, at Maisuru (Mysore), is the outcome of initiatives of the central government and keen interest of the State Government of Karnataka. The State government has allotted, in the year 2000, one of its prestigious heritage buildings ‘Wellington Lodge’ situated in the heart of the Maisuru (Mysore) city, to establish the Regional Centre of IGRMS. It has started museum activities from 2001 onwards.

The Regional Centre is a hub for community – museum related interactive educational programmes. It provides platforms to various artists/artisan groups from different parts of India to demonstrate aesthetic beauties of their traditional knowledge systems, creative art forms and craft techniques. The Regional Centre organizes periodically exhibitions on various forms of cultural identities, conduct short – term training programme for aspiring people on various traditional art forms and techniques, and organizes varieties of music, dance and theatrical performances of fold, tribal, and classical traditions.

Wellinton Lodge (Mysore)

The Wellington Lodge, situated in the heart of Mysore city, on Irwin Road, is the oldest secular structure having been in existence for over 200 years. This building was earlier occupied by the Duke of Wellington, when he was in political charge of Mysore, during the years 1799-1801 A.D., soon after the fall of Tipu Sultan, the Tiger of Mysore.

The building is constructed using burnt brick in lime mortar. The total area of the site, including the building, is 1,13,365 sft. The area of the compound is 120 meters in length and 88 meters in breadth. The building is two-storied and is a special structure, viewed from all the four sides.

The Government of Karnataka has declared the Wellington Lodge as a State protected Monument in 1991, as per Govt. Notification No.ITY/KMU/87 dated 29.9.1981 under the provisions of the Karnataka Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1961.

Source of information: Dr. D.V. Devaraj, former Director, Archaeology & Museums, Mysore.

Source: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya | इन्दिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय मानव संग्रहालय
Date Visited: Mon Nov 07 2016 19:22:57 GMT+0100 (CET)

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