The sentence emerged after a set of 19 pictographs from a cave in Hampi were deciphered using root morphemes of Gondi language, considered by many eminent linguists as a proto Dravidian language. Eleven of the Hampi pictographs resemble those of the civilisation, according to Dr. K.M. Metry, Head and Dean, Social Sciences, Kannada University, Hampi; Dr. Motiravan Kangali, a linguist and expert in Gondi language and culture from Nagpur, Maharashtra; and his associate Prakash Salame, also an expert in Gondi.
They were in Utnoor to participate in the 4th National workshop on standardisation of Gondi dictionary when they spoke to The Hindu about their study of the pictographs. Though the ‘discovery’ is yet to be authenticated, Dr. Metry and his associates are very optimistic about their work.
“Instead of looking at the painting from an archaeological or purely linguistic point of view, we took the cultural way to decipher the pictographs. Gondi culture being totemic, has a lot of such symbols also associated with Ghotul schools,” said Dr. Metry. […]
If the discovery stands the scrutiny of experts in the field, it would mean that the Gonds living in central and southern India could have migrated from the Indus Valley civilisation. “Meanwhile, we will continue with our work applying it to other paintings in the Hampi area to establish a Gondi-Harappan link,” the Professor said.
Source: “Gonds may have migrated from Indus Valley” by S. Harpal Singh, The Hindu, Telangana, 16 December 2014
Date Visited: Mon May 09 2016 10:50:23 GMT+0200 (CEST)
3000-year-old tribal colony discovered in Vidarbha region
Move over Harappa and Mohenjodaro! Vidarbha can now boast of its own important archaeological landmark at Mali, in Tiroda Taluka, at Gondia district, where remains of a 3000-year-old tribal colony of Megalithic age have recently been discovered. […]
We have found the utensils, everyday weapons, pottery and even a harpoon at this site. The Megalithic inhabitants of this colony were tribals, whereas the inhabitants of Harappa and Mohenjodaro were essentially urban people. Soon, we will get more insights into the lifestyle of megalithic people. […]
If these three destinations are clubbed together and sold as a package, they could become a major attraction for holidaymakers, especially the foreign tourists,” says Dr Kathane.
Source: “3000-year-old tribal colony discovered in Vidarbha region” by Vinita Chaturvedi, 30 March 2013
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Date Visited: Wed Jul 05 2017 17:29:04 GMT+0200 (CEST)
Ignored & unknown, memory pillars of Bastar tribes symbolize tribal ways
RAIPUR/ BASTAR: Apart from Maoist insurgency, there are smoother shades in tribal Bastar those that symbolize the unique tribal ways of life. Among them are the colourful ancient culture of memory pillars, spread over the entire strife-torn region, which remain unnoticed by the outside world. The attractive pillars made in cement, stone or wood depict details in remembrance of the deceased person’s hobby, dreams, lifestyle and the reason of his death.
This megalithic culture has been mainly followed by Muria, Maria and Gond tribes of Bastar believed to be 3000 years old and it started during agriculture stage of evolution of human with stone. Its remains were found in other states like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Assam and even Kashmir. While many ancient wooden and stone pillars call for protection, ASI has conserved one such site located at Dilmili and Gamawada. […]
The stone pillars at Gamawada and wooden at Dilmili have been declared protected monuments under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites Remains Act 1958, the archaeologists said adding that it’s an ancient belief that while a tribal leads a life in his own desired space, s/he is given some space even after death and lives at that place as living soul.
Source: “Ignored & unknown, memory pillars of Bastar tribes symbolize tribal ways” by Rashmi Drolia, Times of India 12 April 2016
Date Visited: July 05 2017 17:16:21 GMT+0200 (CEST)
[Bold typeface added above for emphasis]
Tribal communities in the central Indian region of Bastar:
Baiga | Bhatra | Dhruva | Gond | Halba | Madia | Maria | Muria
The best of what is in tribal culture owes to the ghotul [learning centre]. However, under the influence of the new education, the ghotul has suffered a systematic disintegration.
Uma Ram in Issues in Tribal Education in Bastar >>
Writings of Verrier Elwin on tribal education and more >>
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