Video | “From Wayback, to Way Forward”: Internet Archive

2021 has been a momentous year here at the Internet Archive! We celebrated our 25th anniversary, launched new and exciting programs, and promoted Universal Access to All Knowledge. We experienced incredible growth, offering more books, music, movies, software, and webpages than ever before to our patrons. As we close this year and look forward to the next, we want to highlight a few achievements that our patrons, partners, and donors made possible. […]

Our collections expanded faster this year than ever before, and we’re making sure we have room to grow. We’ve increased our collections from 65 million to over 80 million public media items, including texts, images, videos, and audio files. […]

In March, we launched Internet Archive Scholar, a database of millions of open access papers, helping researchers, students, and librarians gain access to research materials. While libraries remained largely closed, our work also proved helpful to college professors researching historic ocean travel, teachers working with special education students, and graduate students without access to school libraries during the pandemic.

Community Collaborations

This summer we announced our partnership with the New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC) to form a collaborative, web-based art resources preservation and access initiative. The Collaborative ART Archive (CARTA) project aims to collect, preserve, and provide access to vital arts content from the web by supporting a vibrant, growing collaboration of art and museum libraries—we’re thrilled to work with a diverse roster of 24 participating member institutions throughout the United States and Canada. Additionally, the Community Webs program grew to more than 150 members, who have created more than 800 collections of web-based local history content and captured more than 75TB of data. These collections are crucial to the communities that are being documented, as well as to future researchers who will study 21st century life.

Source: “A Big Year For The Internet Archive” (Newsletter 15 December 2021)
Date Visited: 15 December 2021

See also

CBC Unreserved (Canada) radio space for indigenous community, culture, and conversation

Eco tourism | Tourism

eJournals, eBooks & reports

eLearning: Center for World Indigenous Studies

Gandhian social movement

Indigenous people are at the forefront of the struggle to save the planet

Internet Archive |

Journalism | Media portrayal

NGO | Organizations

People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI) |

Storytelling | Success stories

Tribal/indigenous culture worldwide

Video resources – external
