Earth Day celebration by the Tribal Foundation in the Western Ghats – Tamil Nadu

Photo: courtesy S S Davidson © 2012 Tribal Foundation (Nagercoil)

The Hindu, Nagercoil, April 24, 2012

The Earth Day was celebrated by the tribal foundation at the Vellambi Kani tribal settlement in Keeripparai forest in the Western Ghats on Sunday.

Addressing the gathering, the environmental educator, S. S. Davidson, gave a clarion call to save the planet Earth.

He pointed out that the earth, the only planet supporting life, was facing environmental challenges following global warming, climate change, water scarcity, resource depletion, deforestation and allied issues.

To mark the day with green activity, tapioca, a favorite food of tribals, with chutney prepared using wild chilli was served in a herbal tree leaf.

Jacob Robert Singh, managing trustee of the foundation, wanted the tribals to be proud of their environmental heritage and act as the guardians of forest ecology.

Sankaran Kani, Kumar Kani and Nagammal Kani – the leaders of the community also spoke on the occasion.

Source: The Hindu : NATIONAL / TAMIL NADU : Earth Day celebrated
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Date Visited: Tue May 15 2012 21:33:33 GMT+0200 (CEST)

[Bold typeface added above for emphasis]

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