eBook | “One cannot make a pronouncement in the singular and apply it uniformly to the entire subcontinent”: Romila Thapar on matriarchy and matriliny

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Seeing the past in a long duration but as creating the present, a relevant question remains as to whether there was once matriarchy in India and did it disappear? This is what I am touching on in this essay. Probably yes, as it was in many societies that have slowly moved to patriarchy to a lesser or greater degree. One cannot make a pronouncement in the singular and apply it uniformly to the entire subcontinent. There are regional differences. Even within a region there sometimes are strong variations among different social groups. What we need to accept is that although matriarchy/matriliny only remains in small pockets, often tucked away, its imprints have not been wiped out.

Source: Romila Thapar’s The Future in the Past in Caravan Magazine

URL: https://caravanmagazine.in/excerpts/romila-thapar-essay-india-ancient-matriarchy

Date Visited: 4 March 2024

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