by Carolyn O’Hara in Harvard Business Review | Read the full article here >>
We tell stories to our coworkers and peers all the time — to persuade someone to support our project, to explain to an employee how he might improve, or to inspire a team that is facing challenges. It’s an essential skill, but what makes a compelling story in a business context? And how can you improve your ability to tell stories that persuade? […]
Every storytelling exercise should begin by asking: Who is my audience and what is the message I want to share with them? Each decision about your story should flow from those questions. […]
The best storytellers look to their own memories and life experiences for ways to illustrate their message. What events in your life make you believe in the idea you are trying to share? […]
You can be a central figure, but the ultimate focus should be on people you know, lessons you’ve learned, or events you’ve witnessed. […]
Highlight a struggle
A story without a challenge simply isn’t very interesting. […]Keep it simple
Not every story you tell has to be a surprising, edge-of-your-seat epic. Some of the most successful and memorable stories are relatively simple and straightforward. Don’t let needless details to detract from your core message. Work from the principle that “less is more.” […]Practice makes perfect
Storytelling is a “real art form” that requires repeated effort to get right […]Principles to Remember
- Consider your audience — choose a framework and details that will best resonate with your listeners.
- Identify the moral or message your want to impart.
- Find inspiration in your life experiences.
- Assume you don’t have storytelling chops — we all have it in us to tell memorable stories.
- Give yourself the starring role.
- Overwhelm your story with unnecessary details.
Carolyn O’Hara is a writer and editor based in New York City. She’s worked at The Week, PBS NewsHour, and Foreign Policy.
Source: How to Tell a Great Story
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