Photographer-artist Arun VC lives and works in Wayanad (Kerala). He has completed many photo assignments for corporate clients and educational institutions. Many books, articles and websites published in India and beyond have long been enriched by his captivating art and sensitive photography.

VC Arun magnifies the small world of small beings till they dazzle us with their intricate manufacturing beauty. Arun, graphic designer, illustrator and photographer, doesn’t stop at the mere beauty of small things though. His exhibition ‘Politics of the Small’ pauses on little beings long enough to document the drama of their daily lives. It lingers and subtly asks, ‘What happens when the small becomes big?’ […] Arun’s ‘Politics of the Small’ is about being rooted […]. I believe it is important to first see the beauty around yourself first. Unless you see that, there is no point travelling,” says the photographer from Wayanad. […] Noticing the beauty of things is the first step towards their conservation. – Interview by P. Anima titled “Small, big beings” (with select images), The Hindu, Metroplus, 7 March 2015
Dedicated to the wounded who still carry the torch of hope and smile to show the way around. – Arun VC in “Politics of the Small” (Exhibition catalogue, Ernakulam 2014)
Arun VC captures the drama of the small world in his solo photography show. – Review by Anasuya Menon “Creatures small and wonderful” (with slideshow), The Hindu Metroplus, 23 April 2014
For photo assignments, art work and exhibitions, please contact [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arun.vc.7