Revival of interest in aboriginal history: The “Khoe”, descendants of herders who introduced pottery 2000 years ago – Southern Africa

Read the full article by Prof. Andrew B. Smith >> The name ‘Hottentot’, or its Afrikaans shortening ‘Hotnot’, became a disparaging term for people of colour at the Cape. Today we …

eBook | The Adivasis: Known for their distinct languages, religions and forms of self-government, a deep bond to their land and respect for nature – Minority Rights Group International

Minority Rights Group International Adivasis have distinct languages, religions and forms of self-government, together with a deep bond to their land and respect for nature. […] The Adivasis of India, …

Video | Poetry reading by “Marshal” Parimal Hembram – West Bengal

Parimal Hembram reads “Ak’ sar sap tege huyuk’ tena” Translation into English by Antara Dev Sen, published in The Little Magazine, Vol. VII, Issue 3 & 4.: Source: Courtesy Dr. …

How India’s tribal communities meet modern challenges in areas such as health, education and economical development – Press roundup

Newborns in India have a lesser chance of survival than babies born in Afghanistan and Somalia, according to the latest Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study published in the medical …

Essays on rural life and education by Dr. Boro Baski – West Bengal

RURAL LIFE 12/07/2016 – by Boro BaskiLost in translationMissionaries have contributed to disrupting Adivasi traditions, but helped to save heritage as well RURAL LIFE 10/07/2016 – by Boro BaskiSaving our …

Irula communities: Spread over the three southern States with a language marked by unique features – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka & Kerala

3.4. The Irula Language | Downlowad the full PhD thesis by P. Suresh here >> The status of the Irula language as a separate language from Tamil or as a …

eBook | Santals as a community: A brief introduction to their culture and approach to development

A brief introduction of Santal life and culture and our approach to developmentby Dr. Boro Baski | Read the full text (PDF, 130 KB): A brief introduction of Santal life and …

“To be taught in a language other than one’s own has a negative effect on learning”: Teaching experiences with English medium in Adivasi education – Viswa Bharati Vidyodaya & UNESCO

Tip: It is a complex issue. Something we have been grappling with over the years. Ideally linguistic diversity must be protected at all costs. But pragmatically, in our increasing …